Most of my patients seek out acupuncture for things like pain or injuries. While we can make massive improvements in these areas, we can also help treat hormone balances. Specifically, acupuncture can help boost Testosterone. Numerous studies now exist showing that both regular and electro acupuncture can significantly boost testosterone in humans and animals.
As men age, testosterone production decreases. A growing number of my patients include male athletes over 40. The “mature athlete”. The competitive spirit still exists…The drive to push themselves still exists…but they struggle with the classic challenges of “getting older”. In most cases, the challenges are the result of a decrease in Testosterone. Signs of “low T” include depression, loss of endurance, increase body fat, decrease in muscle mass and muscle strength, insomnia, low sex drive, and impotence.
These changes can be devastating for the retiring athlete or soldier…..or in fact any man who feels the decline of age. The good news is that acupuncture can restore testosterone levels and improve performance….and as a result, can play a huge role in “rediscovering the joys” of youth… but without the stupid stuff we all do when we’re young :) .
