Private In-Home Acupuncture and Cold Laser Therapy
In Home Acupuncture
Get Ready for the Super Bowl with
AZ's Best In-Home Acupuncture
We take our acupuncture clinic services on the road and come to you at your home for a custom in-home acupuncture treatment. We get it. You don't always have time to make it to the clinic. Desire for privacy, traffic, crazy work hours, family, etc. All of these things can make it tough for visits to our acupuncture clinic.
Let us take the stress out of the drive and come to YOU at your home in the Scottsdale or surrounding area. We provide a unique service that brings you back to the days where health-care providers make house-calls.
We offer a comprehensive assessment, diagnosis, and treatment program that may include acupuncture, cold laser therapy, and cupping therapy in the privacy of your own home. We are an extension of Hidden Rhythm Acupuncture, a long established acupuncture and cold laser therapy clinic in Tempe.
Glendale's Best
Healing Services
I Look Forward to Seeing You at State Farm Stadium for Kickoff!
In Town for the Big Game?
Contact Craig Amrine!
Licensed Acupuncturist Craig Amrine committed to spending 5 years in the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture at PIHMA (Phoenix​ Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture) towards a massive career change. In 2008 he began his full-time practice as fully licensed acupuncturist at Hidden Rhythm Acupuncture in Tempe. His education and experience in laser development led to his use of Cold Laser Therapy and Low Level Therapy in his practice where he continues to be one of the leading experts of cold laser therapy in Arizona.
Proudly Serving
Phoenix Arizona Including Scottsdale, Glendale, Gilbert, Chandler, Tempe, Mesa, Apache Junction, Peoria, Maricopa, Sun City West, Sun Lakes, Buckeye, Surprise, and Surrounding Areas